Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am a Tree

A Blog Worthy Piece by Author # 14

I'm a vast tree towering in the sky.

When harsh winds blow, I sway all around.

In the intense winter I close all openings in my branches.

I am bare.

When time changes to Spring, I grow.

In the blazing summer, I shade people.

When there is a storm you hear "crack".

I have fallen.

My life is over.


1. Who is the "I" in this poem?

2. Which descriptive words help you feel how the tree feels?

3. How do you feel at the beginning of the poem? Do you feel the same at the end?

4. What is your favorite part?


  1. 1 The I in the poem is tree.

    2 The words vast,towering,bare and crack.

    4 When the tree falls and it life is over

    comment by #2

  2. 1. The "I" in the poem is the tree.

    2. vast, towering, bare, and crack

    4. I like when the tree has fallen, and it's life is over because a lot of trees fall, and it's a good ending.

    Comment by: #2
