Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fraction Action, Fraction Friction

Today we are ordering fractions and having fun practicing by playing Fraction Action, Fraction Friction!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Here we are ready to learn and all decked out in GREEN!

We did Lucky Charm fractions with our Third Grade Buddies!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Room 205!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Colonial Games

We're finishing up our Colonial Games! Starting tomorrow we'll try them out and test our knowledge of colonial times!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Number 18

Today we celebrated Number 18's Birthday!

Thank you for the delicious doughnuts! They were the perfect treat to wake us up after losing an hour of sleep this weekend!

Number 13 did a terrific job as maestro!

Number 18 shared his favorite, Boston Cream, with us...

Now let's do some Bucketfilling, and share our favorite things about Number 18! Happy Birthday Number 18!

ISATS are Over!

Last Friday ISATS were officially over, and Room 205 couldn't be more thrilled!

We even did a Victory Dance:

I'm so proud of you ALL! Thank you for giving your very BEST!


Mrs. Bailey

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spelling Bee!

Room 205 is extremely proud of our two Spelling Bee representatives! Way to go Number 10 and Number 6!

We were crossing our fingers for you...

Here's Number 10...notice no one else is left...sorry it's so blurry!

...and he won!!! Way to go Number 10...We are so proud of you! We are R-A-D-I-A-N-T with joy!

Colony Posters

We're working hard on our colony posters!

What do you know about the Thirteen Colonies? Come back later to see what we're learning!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day!

Here we are making our Hearts to hold our Valentines!!! We're getting excited for our party this afternoon!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Bucket!

Unfortunately Mrs. Bailey is behind on posting Birthday Celebrations...Let's go back to November. I apologize for the delay, but any day is a good day to fill a bucket!

Thanks for the yummy doughnuts!!

Happy Belated Birthday Number 17! We're so glad we could celebrate with you!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Personal Narratives

Today Room 205 shared their Published Personal Narratives with each other. Make sure to ask your student about how to write a stellar personal narrative! Check back soon for some of our favorites!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reaction Time

This week in Science Room 205 tested reaction times. One partner dropped the ruler and we measured our reaction time by seeing where we caught the ruler. Each student had ten chances to test their reaction time. What did you observe or learn through this experiment Room 205?

Team One:

"Your nervous system helps control your body. Your brain sends messages to
your body parts. Your eyes send a message to your brain. Your first couple of
catches will be slow, but then it gets quicker."

Team Four:

"You need to have your eyes open to catch the ruler. Each person reacts in a
different amount of time. Your brain has to tell your nerves to move your hand.
Our actions were voluntary."

Team 5:

"To catch a ruler is a voluntary response because you are focused. Your brain
sends a message to your hands. The nervous system is very fast because gravity
pulls the ruler to the ground within 1 second, and your body responds to it
within 0.5 seconds. Some people don't respond as quickly as others. "

Team 6:

"Everything happens in a split second. Reaction times are different for
different people. If one part of your body is not working, it keeps the other
parts from doing their job. You need to focus in order to catch the ruler"

Extra Credit Questions:

1. What body system controls your reaction time?

2. What communication path did your body have to take in order for you to catch the ruler?

3. Describe the difference between a voluntary response and an involuntary response.

4. What factors cause your reaction time to be different each time. In other words, what causes your reaction time to change each time?