Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More "I am.." Pieces by Room 205 Authors

Author: Number 27

I erupt! When I do, people run in fear. Many people think I am a mountain until they feel heat. I am a volcano.

I start out small. I get bigger. Alarms go off when I come. People make plans to get out of their house when I appear. I am fire.

I only get two inches of rain a year. I am hot. Animals can't even survive in me. I am Death Valley.

Author: Number 16

I see people tall, short, skinny, fat. I see all of the buildings. Sometimes they are so tall they hit me in the guts. I am the one who makes the sky radiant. I am the sky.

I keep the planet radiant. I will never go away. I love to be out and shining. The sad part is no one likes me. Everyone yells at me to go behind a cloud. I am the sun.

I fall from above to make sure the grass flourishes. I keep the plants growing. Without me, all of the grass and flowers would die. I do not come everyday. I am rain.

I am on the ground. We always get stepped on. My friend is so scared he never sprouts. Even when it rains, he hides. He only comes out when a worm is in him. We are the grass.

Author: Number 21

I am the sun. I am orange and yellow. I am a helpful resource. I give light and joy. And when I'm gone, we all see twinkling stars and a big peaceful moon. I am the sun.

Do you have any feedback for these Authors? We'd love to hear your thoughts! What did you like best about our writing. What were your favorite parts? Is there anything you think we could add?

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